Health Blog

Hogg Chiropractic Center Blog

Occasional articles about health, better living and the benefits of Applied Kinesiology.

Have more questions? Never hesitate to contact our practice and schedule an appointment with Dr. Hogg. You can reach us at 563-386-9494

Flawed Multivitamin Study?

Some of our patients have expressed concern regarding a recent study that makes a (fairly weak) association between post-menopausal women who take multivitamins and increased death rate. The short article below from Thorne Research addresses several flaws in the study and talks about why we should be careful about drawing conclusions from this study. Some [...]

By |October 19th, 2011|Categories: Health Articles|

Get Your Feet Turned On!

In my last post I talked about the need to gradually build up the strength in our feet and ankles if we want to switch to minimalist or "barefoot" styles of footwear. Highly supportive shoes and orthodics (arch/foot supports) deprive our foot and ankle muscles of exercise and cause them to atrophy if worn too [...]

By |July 12th, 2011|Categories: Health Articles|

Shoe Review

For the last few weeks I've been writing about my research and experimentation with minimalist or barefoot shoe and ambulation. I feel that there are some benefits to spending at least some time each day on our feet without heavy supportive shoes or orthodics. There will be at least one more post in this series [...]

By |July 12th, 2011|Categories: Health Articles|

Minimalist Transition

I'm going to write a short series of posts on my experience and research into minimalist and "barefoot" styles. Today I'll talk a bit about the transition to minimalist footwear. The first minimalist shoes I tried were a pair of martial art shoes I already had. They fit the definition for "minimalist" since the sole [...]

By |July 5th, 2011|Categories: Health Articles|

Get Some Sun!

It's Summer and we finally have a few days of sun! This is our chance to get outside, expose some skin and experience our own brand of photosynthesis. You may think that photosynthesis is something only plants do but we humans do it too. The difference is that, instead of making glucose and other sugars, [...]

By |July 3rd, 2011|Categories: Health Articles|
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