Depressed, tired, cranky, “blah” feeling? This amazing 30 second self treatment can transform your mood!

I think we all have times when our mood is not what we'd like it to be. We may have been feeling fine a few hours or even a few minutes earlier but now we're feeling down, apathetic, nothing seems worth doing. We may also feel cranky. Maybe extremely cranky even while we're depressed! Here [...]

By |April 21st, 2018|Health Articles, Home Remedies, Patient notes/instructions|Comments Off on Depressed, tired, cranky, “blah” feeling? This amazing 30 second self treatment can transform your mood!

Are You Stressed? Have Anxiety? Heartmath May Be Your Answer!

Heartmath is a powerful technique for handling stress, anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed. It is a fascinating and easy to use approach based on decades of solid research. Watch this video to learn how to do it yourself and feel free to use the website contact page to send me any questions you may [...]

By |December 13th, 2017|Home Remedies, Patient notes/instructions|Comments Off on Are You Stressed? Have Anxiety? Heartmath May Be Your Answer!

Coconut Oil

More than a few good reasons to love coconut oil! Is easier to digest than most oils Its medium chain fatty acids can be digested without pancreatic enzymes or being converted to triglycerides Can act as a quick energy boost without triggering insulin increase Helps with weight loss, especially if used to replace other fats [...]


MMUNI-TEA: This is a recipe for tea that provides easy to absorb sources of vitamins A, C, and other factors for the immune system. It is useful for viral infections, colds, flus etc. When you're sick one cup each hour is the optimal usage. If you don't want to mix your own, it is available [...]


1. The most beneficial exercise for general health, blood pressure, energy, weight loss and cardiovascular health is aerobic exercise like walking, biking, hiking, swimming, slow jogging or race-walking. 2. Anaerobic exercise such as weight lifting, tennis, basketball and sprinting is okay in small doses but should only be used once you are in good aerobic [...]


DO: Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Try to get at least five ½ cup servings each day. Eat a wide variety of foods to make sure you get all your vitamins, trace minerals, and phytonutrients. Drink 6 - 10 cups of pure water each day. You can get by with 6 if your small [...]

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