More health Benefits of Tai chi Chuan

As you may know, Karen, Valerie and I are long-time practitioners of Tai Chi Chuan (TCC). TCC is an ancient martial art from China. When practiced properly, it encompasses moving meditation, gentle physical exercise, Chi Kung (energizing), Taoist philosophy and self defense. There are many benefits to TCC. It develops strong legs as well as [...]

Improving Eyesight

(Please note: This article was written six years ago, before I had cataract surgery in my right eye Spring of 2016. Since the surgery, I've needed glasses for close to medium range work like reading patient files. The artificial lens is not as flexible as my natural lens was but I'm in the process of [...]

Wash your Hands and……..

By now we've all heard about a number of common sense precautions to help keep us from getting infected with flus and colds. Along with drinking lots of fluids (especially water), getting good rest and sleep, avoiding sugar and eating a good diet high in fresh vegetables and fruits we know that frequent hand washing [...]

The Perfect Exercise

My patients often ask me "What's the best type of exercise for me?" There are lots of types to choose from: Aerobic types like walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling, treadmill etc. Strength and toning types like weight lifting, calisthenics, palliates Flexibility types like stretching programs, palliates and yoga Other types like Tai Chi Chuan, Aerobic dancing [...]

The Perfect Exercise

My patients often ask me "What's the best type of exercise for me?" There are lots of types to choose from: 1. Aerobic types like walking, jogging, swimming, bicycling, treadmill etc. 2. Strength and toning types like weight lifting, calisthenics, palliates 3. Flexibility types like stretching programs, palliates and yoga 4. Other types like Tai [...]

Alternatives to Antibiotics

With the cold and flu season approaching, I thought this article from Dr. David Williams was particularly timely. He outlines some of the, sometimes life-threatening, problems with indiscriminate use of antibiotics, suggests strategies to make sure antibiotics are really needed and lists some common effective alternatives to antibiotics. I'm adding some suggestions of my own [...]

Alternatives to Antibiotics

With the cold and flu season approaching, I thought this article from Dr. David Williams was particularly timely. He outlines some of the, sometimes life-threatening, problems with indiscriminate use of antibiotics, suggests strategies to make sure antibiotics are really needed and lists some common effective alternatives to antibiotics. I'm adding some suggestions of my own [...]

Breathe Your Stress Away!

By now probably everyone knows that too much stress can damage your health. It's usually a factor in every chronic disease like cardiovascualr disease, diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. In addition stress can contribute to: Sleep disturbance Immune system suppression and lowered resistance to infection Digestive disturbance and ulcers Increased vulnerability to injury and slowed [...]

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